Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings to the 28th International Congress of National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters

The message reads, in part:
authoritative gathering once again brings together media executives, prominent
journalists, IT experts, and specialists from relevant ministries and departments.
I would
like to point out that, for the first time, pay TV operators and representatives of online platforms, whose popularity with viewers increases
each year, have been invited to join the discussions. This approach aligns
perfectly with the congress’s goal of achieving practical results. It will facilitate
a comprehensive discussion of a wide range of professional challenges you face
and help in developing effective solutions, fostering the adoption of advanced
technologies, and improving the quality of content.
I am confident that the outcomes of your meetings,
round tables, specialised exhibitions, and forums will contribute to the growth
of our domestic information technology and media industries, as well as actively support emerging young talent. I also extend my congratulations to the winners of the Vladimir Zvorykin Prize, which is traditionally awarded as part
of this congress.”
